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2015-03-04 15:25:53   来源:   评论:0 点击:

A Letter of Appreciation for Continued Outstanding Customer Service
David M. Dorfman, Teacher 
Ameson American High School Program 
Yixing High School 

Mr. Jiang Jun, President 
ICBC Yixing Branch 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 

Dear Mr. Jiang, 

I am writing to you as a customer of ICBC. I've been a customer since I first arrived in China a year and a half ago.  I'm a teacher at Yixing High School in the International Department.  We are teaching students who intend on studying in the United States at the University level.   Our program is focused on a U.S. based curriculum, that includes Advanced Placement (college level courses) while students are still in high school. 

I share these details because I have been a teacher of economics for a number of years, and one of the many focuses of the AP Economics course I teach is knowing and understanding good business practices, such as in the banking industry... The primary concept being, "We are all consumers!"   

I have been using your branch almost since I arrived for making money transfers for savings purposes back to the United States.  Your employee, Ms. Liu Yiayao has assisted me at least a dozen times over the last year and half to make these financial transfers both easy and reassuring.  She has a wonderful customer service focus and truly goes out of her way to assist the customer in any way that she can to make them feel both comfortable and secure in their financial matters. Of course, in your industry, that is an essential character quality for success and growth.  And simply put, Ms. Liu represents all the positive qualities of an outstanding banker!   

I share this reflection to you today because 2 weeks ago I was in your branch to deal with a different matter, and it happened that Ms. Liu was in the lobby area where I was, and as typical of her nature, she went out of her way when she recognized me to help communicate to her colleagues what I needed.  (Her English is excellent, and since my Mandarin is almost non-existent, she was again incredibly helpful at that moment).  While talking with her briefly, she shared that she was no longer going to be working in that international department of your branch upstairs, and would be taking on new duties.   

All I can say is that I will miss her services, and I also know that she will do outstanding work in whatever she does in your industry.  I always teach the concept that we should recognize and praise outstanding customer service as consumers when we receive it... 

As I'm sure you're aware, to often we complain when something is wrong with either service or a product we purchase, but rarely "praise" someone when they do something extraordinarily well.  In this case, I want to make sure that Ms. Liu is recognized and praised for doing exactly that - - doing her work extraordinarily well to satisfy customer need!  You are very fortunate to have her on your staff. 

Thank you most appreciatively sir for your time to read my expressed feelings of appreciation. 

Yours truly, 

David M. Dorfman
大卫 多尔夫曼,教师
2014.12.31 周三
                                              大卫 多尔夫曼
      宜兴工行蒋俊行长表示:感谢大卫 多尔夫曼先生对我行服务工作的肯定!感谢刘懿瑶和她的员工同事们!在2014年的最后一天,我行的服务工作赢得了国际友人的赞赏和肯定,为我行在2014年度以创“千佳”为主题的优质服务工作画上了一个让人欣慰的句号。雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越,在崭新的2015年,在充分发挥“千佳”式服务标准的基础上,我行的服务任务更重,要向更高的服务标准看齐,努力争取赢得越来越多的国人和国际友人的赞许。始终坚持“形象升级、服务升级、体验升级”的千佳网点打造思想,贯彻“可持续、有质量、有效率、有保障”的内涵式发展经营理念,以“全国文明规范服务千佳示范单位”和“五星级网点”的创建工作为契机,打造“宜兴特色现代金融服务样板店”,努力提升客户满意度与服务美誉度,实现网点服务的全面升级。

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